LAFCO Action
The reorganization was initiated by the Opal Cliffs Recreation District’s Board of Directors following the adoption of a resolution on August 17, 2021. LAFCO received a signed application, with the adopted resolution, on October 11, 2021. After completing the LAFCO process, the Commission considered and approved the reorganization on February 9, 2022 during its regular board meeting. The following link directs you to the February 2022 Staff Report.
— February 9, 2022 LAFCO Staff Report
The following links directs you to several documents related to the Reorganization Application.
— Initiating Resolution (adopted by the OCRD Board)
— Referral Letter sent to affected and interested agencies
— Memorandum of Understanding between OCRD and the County
— Letter of Support from the County
— Notice of CEQA Exemption
— Notice of Public Hearing
Pursuant to Government Code Section 57000, when the Commission adopts a resolution making determinations regarding a change of organization, affected residents within the proposal area will have an opportunity to voice their opposition during the protest period.
The protest proceeding for this reorganization will occur from March 11th to March 31st. At this time, residents can submit Petitions of Opposition against the reorganization. Additionally, a protest hearing will be held on Thursday, March 31st to tally the petitions. Below are links to the petitions and more information about the protest hearing.
— Protest Hearing Notice
— Protest Hearing Agenda
— Petition of Opposition Form (for Registered Voters)
— Petition of Opposition Form (for Landowners)